A challenge to create artwork based on what summer means to us. Created by Gareth Hanks and showcased by Shawn Kosel in his livestreams and with the help of a whole community of Adobe enthusiasts, it saw dozens of different creatives come up with their idea of summer: from ice creams, seagulls, harbours and cars stuck in traffic jams.
Here are my 6 illustrations, covering styles and medium I am sometimes less comfortable with.
Here are my 6 illustrations, covering styles and medium I am sometimes less comfortable with.

One such thing that remind me of summer, is to be able to overcome the fear I had as a small kid - stepping on crabs - by wearing jelly shoes. This illustration is done using Fresco on desktop using Kyle T. Webster's brushes (Belgian comics, since you ask 😊)

Classic image of Brighton, South East England, close to where I live, with its iconic deck chairs facing the sea, and no less iconic seagulls. Done with Adobe Illustrator.

This one is a typical petpeeve: enjoying a nice ice-lolly while lying on the sand, only to find it half-melted, on the ground, full of gritty bits. Oh Bummer!
(done in Adobe Fresco, line drawing and watercolour live brushes)
(done in Adobe Fresco, line drawing and watercolour live brushes)

Minimalist take on the beach parasol: Done in Adobe Illustrator, textured shading.

Done In adobe Fresco (Vector brushes) with finishing in Adobe Illustrator. The sunburn. Be careful out there, that hurts!

And finally, a classic pen and paper drawing: Spending the whole afternoon in a beer garden, in a scorching heat, drinking shandy and letting the hours pass.
You can even hear the cicadas in the distance.
The timelapse for the jelly shoes illustration (Fresco).

The original sketch

Initial sketch for the ice lolly.